The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) is a UK-based organisation responsible for managing university and college applications in the UK. They are the official online admissions service for students in the UK and main services include application portals to undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, access to admissions services as well as information and advice for students. The vast majority of UK universities, institutions and higher education colleges use the UCAS service for undergraduate programmes. To apply to university, up to five courses can be chosen where then an application fee is paid. Personal details, previous education, employment details (if applicable), reference details and personal statements make up the contents of the application to be submitted. Universities then give students an unconditional or conditional offer of admission if the student meets the entry requirements and grades. Depending on the subject and university, there are four different application deadlines. All applications must be received by 18:00 UK time.
2021 Application Deadlines
15 October 2020 for 2021 entry: Application deadline for all courses at Oxford University and Cambridge University, as well as most courses in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine and veterinary science.
15 January 2021: Deadline for most undergraduate courses except those listed above for 15 October 2021.
24 March 2021: Deadline for some art and design courses.
30 June 2021: Generally it is possible for students to apply through UCAS up until 30 June for courses that still have a place to offer. If applying after this date, your application will automatically be entered into a process known as Clearing where applicants are matched to universities with spaces on courses.
2022 Applications
18 May 2021: Applications for Undergraduate 2022 entry open
7 September 2021: Students can start submitting applications and application fees for 2022 entry. Universities and colleges can make admissions decisions