
Study Medicine
For students wishing to pursue Medicine at university, you’ll need to keep your A-level options open in terms of subject and qualification. Entry requirements will vary depending on the university, but Chemistry is a common essential requirement that universities will ask for in the application process. Because medicine is highly competitive to get into, universities will request high marks i.e. A*AA, AAA or AAB at A-level. 
Subjects you should include are first and foremost Chemistry, then Biology, Maths and/or Physics. 
As well as this, universities often ask for one or more of the following admissions tests: UCAT, BMAT and GAMSAT 
If you don’t meet entry requirements and are thinking about studying medicine, you may be eligible to apply for a foundation course that will prepare you to apply for medical school. A highly intensive one year programme covering essential core science subjects and mathematics, students should consider this programme if they would like to strengthen their application for medical school, do not meet academic requirements, have not studied Biology or Chemistry or did not pass the UKCAT/BMAT examinations. 
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