Starting the new academic year can be busy but joining a student club or society is one the best things to do during your time at university. With so many sports, subject and academic based societies, there’s something for everyone. There are a host of benefits that student societies offer, making it a great way […]
Read moreUniversity preparation programmes for both undergraduate and postgraduate international students for those interested in studying in Sweden! The ONCAMPUS programmes will give you a chance to prepare and study at prestigious universities including Lund University, Kristianstad University and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Business, Engineering and Science. Why study in Sweden? Home to […]
Read moreWelcome/induction days, otherwise known as ‘Freshers’ Week’, are designed to welcome you on campus and start preparing for life at university! Introduction to courses and campus tours are set up so you’re able to find out more about how your course is structured, set up student finance payments, access your university email account and get […]
Read moreHow do you go upon securing your place when you have received multiple university offers? Perhaps you are interested in multiple universities or maybe they all appeal to you. If you can’t decide between universities, there are various factors you should take into consideration before making your big move. Think about the factors below and […]
Read moreMoving thousands of miles away from your family and friends to a completely different country can seem daunting, not to mention a major life and cultural transition. You may be communicating in a different language that you’re not used to, facing cultural barriers or it may be that moving away for the first time from […]
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