How do you go upon securing your place when you have received multiple university offers? Perhaps you are interested in multiple universities or maybe they all appeal to you. If you can’t decide between universities, there are various factors you should take into consideration before making your big move. Think about the factors below and then list the pros and cons of each university:
Think about why you applied to these universities in the first place. Was it the course material or modules? The overall university ranking? Go over your offers and read the course descriptions carefully to reflect on how you made your choices.
Consider student satisfaction and job prospects. Universities often record statistics on their courses. How many students were satisfied with the content of the course? What does employability look like upon completion? What have students gone on to work?
What is the social culture like? Try researching social life and activities that take place on and off-campus. You can also visit the student union’s website where you’ll have a better insight into the university’s events, activities, societies and clubs.
Visit the universities. You can arrange to visit the university in person or book for a virtual tour on their website. Whatever your preference, you will be able to explore the campus grounds, study facilities, accommodation halls as well as additional amenities.
How well respected is the course/university? Reputations and league tables are also something you may want to consider as it may increase things like career prospects, opportunities and employability.
Is accommodation one of your priorities? Accommodation varies at each university so have a look at whether they provide on-campus accommodation and if you’re looking for university-owned halls or private halls. Consider additional factors like cost, location, services and facilities.
Talk to other students. It’s no better to ask what a course is like other than from the student who studied it themself! Ask them how their experience has been and what the course is like. You can also draw up a list of questions and you’ll be able to hear from their own honest perspective.